배부르게 먹었어요! 태국어 단어장
I ate full! ฉันอิ่มแล้ว!
마가복음 6장 37~44절
Mark 6: 37~44
มาระโก 6: 37-44
빵 bread ขนมปัง생선 fish ปลา
예수님 Jesus พระเยซู제자들 disciples สาวกของพระองค์먹을 것 Something to eat อาหาร
예수님이 제자들에게 먹을 것을 주라고 하시자, 제자들은 뭐라고 말했나요?
When Jesus told his disciples to give them something to eat, what did they say?
이백 데나리온 two hundred denarion สองร้อย denarion 어치 worth คนโง่
우리가 가서 이백 데나리온어치의 빵을 사서 먹이라는 말씀이십니까?
Are you saying we should go and buy two hundred denarion worth of bread and feed them? คุณบอกให้เราไปซื้อขนมปังสองร้อยเดนาริอันหรือเปล่า?
다섯 개 five things ห้า두 마리 two ม้าสองตัว배불리 Full มันได้รับความพึงพอใจ몇 명 How many people เท่าไหร่
빵 다섯 개와 생선 두 마리로 배불리 먹은 사람들은 몇 명이었나요?
How many people ate full of five breads and two fish?
빵을 먹은 남자 어른은 오천 명이었습니다.
There were 5,000 men who ate bread.
มีผู้ใหญ่ชายและหญิง 5,000 คนที่ทานขนมปัง
예수님의 말씀을 듣기 위해 사람들이 빈 들에 모였어요.
People gathered in the empty fields to hear what Jesus said.
ผู้คนรวมตัวกันในทุ่งโล่ง ๆ เพื่อฟังพระเยซู
무언가를 사 먹을 수 있는 곳도 없었고, 시간도 많이 늦었어요.
There was no place to buy anything, and it was very late.
예수님에게 빵 다섯 개와 생선 두 마리밖에 없었어요.
Jesus had only five breads and two fish.
하지만 놀라운 일이 일어났어요.
But something amazing happened.
<보기>에서 알맞은 말을 골라 아래 인터뷰를 완성해 보세요.
Choose the right word from <View> and complete the interview below.
เลือกคำที่ถูกต้องจาก <View> และดำเนินการสัมภาษณ์ด้านล่างให้สมบูรณ์
예수님 Jesus พระเยซู오천 Five thousand ห้าพัน두 two สอง기도 Prayer การอธิษฐาน열두 twelveสิบสอง 다섯 five ห้า제자들 disciplesสาวกของพระองค์
우리는 예수님의 말씀을 듣기 위해 늦은 시간까지 빈 들에 모여 있었어요.
We were gathered in the empty fields until late to hear the words of Jesus.
เรารวมตัวกันในทุ่งโล่ง ๆ จนดึกเพื่อฟังคำพูดของพระเยซู
사람들이 가지고 있는 음식은 겨우 빵 다섯 개와 생선 두 마리뿐이었습니다.
The only food people had was five breads and two fish.
예수님께서 감사 기도를 하고 제자들에게 빵과 생선을 나눠주라고 하셨어요.
Jesus prayed with thanksgiving and told his disciples to hand out bread and fish.
오천 명이 넘는 사람들이 배부르게 먹고 열두 광주리나 남았어요.
More than 5,000 people ate abundantly, leaving twelve baskets left.
มีผู้คนมากกว่า 5,000 คนกินอย่างเหลือเฟือเหลือทิ้งไว้สิบสองตะกร้า
기적 miracle ปาฏิหาริย์걱정 worry กังวล기쁨 Joyสุข
많은 사람들이 예수님이 기적을 베풀어 주셔서 배불리 음식을 먹었고, 말씀을 가르쳐 주셔서 마음 속에 걱정 대신 기쁨이 가득 찼어요.
Many people ate full of food because Jesus performed miracles, and the words were taught to fill the heart with joy instead of worry.
예수님이 천국잔치를 베푸신 거예요.
Jesus gave a heavenly feast. พระเยซูประทานงานเลี้ยงบนสวรรค์
천국잔치는 이렇게 즐겁고 설레는 일이에요.
The heavenly feast is so enjoyable and exciting.
‘천국잔치’로 4행시를 지어 보세요.
Write the 4th poem with 'Heavenly Feast'.
เขียนบทกวีบทที่ 4 ด้วย 'Heavenly Feast'
천국은 예수님을 믿음으로 가요
Heaven goes by faith in Jesus สวรรค์ดำเนินไปด้วยความเชื่อในพระเยซู
국적에 상관이 없이
Regardless of nationality โดยไม่คำนึงถึงสัญชาติ
잔치집에 가는 것과 같이
Like going to a feast ชอบไปงานฉลอง
치료와 구원과 기쁨이 넘쳐요.
Healing, salvation and joy are overflowing. การรักษาความรอดและความปิติยินดีล้นล้น
기도로 대답해요 Answer with a prayer. ตอบคำอธิษฐาน
기쁘고 즐거운 천국잔치에 참여하게 해 주셔서 감사해요.
Thank You for participating in the joyful and enjoyable heavenly feast.
가족과 같이 외워요 Memorize it with your family. จดจำกับครอบครัวของคุณ
마가복음 6장 41절
예수께서 떡 다섯 개와 물고기 두 마리를 가지사 하늘을 우러러 축사하시고 떡을 떼어 제자들에게 주어 사람들에게 나누어 주게 하시고 또 물고기 두 마리도 모든 사람에게 나누시매
Mark 6:41
And taking the five loaves and the two fish he looked up to heaven and said a blessing and broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the people. And he divided the two fish among them all.
มาระโก 6:41
เมื่อพระองค์ทรงรับขนมปังห้าก้อนกับปลาสองตัวนั้นแล้ว ก็แหงนพระพักตร์ดูฟ้าสวรรค์ เมื่อขอพระพรแล้วก็ทรงหักขนมปังเหล่านั้นให้พวกสาวกเอาไปแจกให้กับคนทั้งหลาย ส่วนปลาสองตัวนั้นพระองค์ก็ทรงแบ่งให้โดยทั่วกัน
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