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Possibilities within boundaries

Possibilities within boundaries


Joshua 15:1-19


The four boundaries of the land on which the lot was drawn are introduced. The tribe of Judah is allocated the largest area. The story of Caleb gaining Hebron is recorded in more detail. Caleb drives out the leaders of Anak and takes over the place. Caleb promised to give his daughter to whoever captured Debir, hoping to get a brave man as his son-in-law. And according to that promise, Othniel becomes Caleb's son-in-law. Caleb's daughter Achsa also requested and received land with springs.


God is sovereign over our lives (1). God decided each tribe's land by drawing lots and allowed them to live a life of faith there. There are situations in our lives that are not decided by us, but given to us by God. Accepting the boundaries determined by God is acknowledging God's sovereignty.


We must actively live a life of faith within the boundaries set by God (13-19). Even if the foundation of life that God has given me seems like a rugged mountainous area or dry land, there is room for pioneering with faith. Boundaries are not limits. The boundaries set by God contain possibilities. Do not give up on reality and live a fruitful life with faith.


Lord, help us embrace Your boundaries by faith, and to push beyond our limits by faith.

주님, 믿음으로 당신의 경계를 받아들이고, 믿음으로 우리의 한계를 뛰어넘을 수 있도록 도와주소서.

