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A tree is known by its fruits

A tree is known by its fruits


Luke 6:39-49


Jesus teaches his disciples to become people of mercy like God. In other words, they must love even their enemies and help their neighbors without expecting anything in return. Jesus warns them that their true character will be revealed through their words and actions. Jesus said that a person who hears the word and puts it into practice is like someone who builds a house on a rock, and will not be shaken even by a flood.


A disciple (Christian) is not one who judges and condemns his neighbors, but one who forgives (41,42). He is not a person who points out the flaws of others, but a person who examines his own sins. Therefore, be strict with yourself and be gracious with others.


All noble things (virtue) are not in words but in actions (43-49). Love for the Lord and mercy for our neighbors are not in words, but in actions. We must prove our love by putting the Lord's words into practice, and prove our mercy by serving our neighbors. Are we proving our beliefs with our actions? Let’s take a look at the fruits of our lives these days.


Lord, help me build my faith on action, not just head-knowledge.

