Miserable Jerusalem
[Lamentations 4:1~10]
The glory of Jerusalem, which was more precious than gold, has now become a shabby earthenware vessel on the verge of breaking. The living conditions of the residents of destroyed Jerusalem are miserable. The nobles and leaders have black faces and are skinny. When Jerusalem falls, the surviving people of Jerusalem are dying of hunger to the extent that it seems better to have been killed by the sword. This is because it was much more deeply engulfed in sin than Sodom, a city that was instantly destroyed by God's judgment.
Even if it boasts a splendid building and many believers, a church that the Lord leaves will inevitably collapse (1-2). However, even if you have nothing, the community where the Lord dwells and sustains you will stand strong. What vision does our community have and what goals does it pursue?
⓵A community where the Lord dwells and sustains
⓶A community seeking guidance from the Word and the Holy Spirit
⓷A community that balances worship, words, prayer, fellowship, evangelism, and missions
Jerusalem’s sin was more serious than Sodom’s sin (6). People who claim to know God can commit sins worse than Sodom. The history of countless hatred, exclusion, and violence committed in the name of Christianity proves this. Before condemning the world, let us first remove the evil within us (Matthew 7:3).
Lord, help us to remain holy and unstained from sin.
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