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Open our eyes and let us see!

Open our eyes and let us see!


2 Kings 6:15-23


Elisha's servant was afraid when he saw that the Syrian army had surrounded the city. When Elisha prayed for the servant's eyes to be opened, the servant saw the whole hill filled with fiery horses and fiery chariots surrounding Elisha. Elisha prays to keep the eyes of the Syrian army away. And he takes the blind Syrian army into the middle of Samaria. The king of Israel did not attack the Syrian army as Elisha said, but treated them well and sent them away in peace. Syria, which has experienced God's power, cannot invade Israel for a while.


God is the one who protects His people (17). The king of Syria sent a large army to surround Elisha, but God surrounded and protected Elisha with a stronger army, horses and chariots of fire. God protects and takes responsibility for those who obey Him with His almighty hand.


The king of Israel tries to destroy the Syrian army by attacking them, but Elisha tells the king of Israel to treat them well and send them away in peace (21-23). It was a demonstration of the generosity and mercy of God’s kingdom. They would have gone back alive and testified to the amazing work of God they had experienced. The power of forgiveness is greater than the power of the sword, and it is better to subdue the mind than to subdue the body.


Dear God, open our eyes of faith so that we can see your works.

Let us believe and practice that the power of forgiveness is greater than the power of the sword!

