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The Refuge of Grace

The Refuge of Grace

Joshua 20:1~9

Praise and Sharing

Hymn 305 You saved a sinner like me

Hymn 70 There is a refuge


How did you spend last week?

Lunar New Year holiday and meeting brothers from Bangladesh


South Korean President Arrested and Imprisoned


Everyone makes mistakes, big and small. It is right to take responsibility for that, but what would happen to this society if we were to repay the same in all cases by advocating ‘eye for an eye’? It will probably end up being a bloody jungle full of endless revenge. Jesus came to this earth to save humans who cannot break the bondage of sin and guilt on their own. One condition is required to benefit from this grace. It is to at least acknowledge one's own sins. For those who have such a poor spirit, the refuge to break the vicious cycle of revenge is open without discrimination.


Words and Sharing

1. The city of refuge is not a hiding place for criminals (verses 1-6).

1) What was the purpose of the city of refuge? (verses 2-3)

2 Speak to the children of Israel, saying, I have appointed for you the cities of refuge which I spoke to you through Moses.

3 Let him who kills someone unintentionally flee there, so that you may escape from the avenger of blood.

The purpose for which cities of refuge were built was to enable those who accidentally kill someone without knowing it to escape from the avenger of blood.


2) What steps must the suspect take to enter the city of refuge (v. 4)?

4 He who flees to one of these cities shall stand at the entrance of the gate into that city, and shall tell his case in the ears of the elders of that city, and they shall receive him into the city, and give him a place to dwell among them.

The suspect (the fugitive) must stand at the entrance to the gate into the city (city of refuge) and tell his case to the elders of the city, who will accept him into the city and let him reside there.

3) When can one return to one’s hometown after receiving protection in a city of refuge? (verse 6)

6 Then the murderer shall remain in that city until he stands before the congregation for judgment, or until the death of the high priest at that time. Then the murderer shall return to that city, to his own city and to his home from which he fled.”

After the murderer (suspect) has been tried before the congregation for judgment or after the death of the high priest at that time, he can return to his hometown.


<Sharing 1> The city of refuge system was not an indulgence for criminals, but a public safety system to prevent other innocent victims. Let’s share how the church today can serve as a refuge for those who are at risk of being wrongfully harmed.


Last week, a woman came to the church and asked to sell her bags because she was having financial difficulties. In this way, we must listen to the problems of those who are in difficult times, pray together, and help them overcome their difficulties.


<Sharing 2> The high priest was a person who mediates the issue of sin between God and the people. So, when the high priest died, the problem of sinners who fled to the city of refuge was resolved. The death on the cross of Jesus, the eternal high priest, is a liberation event that solves the problem of sin. Let’s talk about the liberation and freedom we enjoy in Jesus.


There is a hymn that says, ‘Freedom from sin is achieved through the power of the precious blood, and victory over the test of the Lord’s precious blood is truly an amazing power.’ When we believe in and rely on the precious blood of Jesus, He gives us true liberation and freedom from sin. Some of the condemned prisoners who committed the most heinous crimes of the Most High Sect truly repented and, relying on the precious blood of Jesus, went to the execution ground with true liberation and freedom and received the grace to go to heaven.


2. The city of refuge must be easily accessible to anyone, anywhere (verses 7-9)?

1) Where was the city of refuge built? (verses 7-8)

 (1) Three places on the west side of the Jordan (verse 7)

7 So they came to Kedesh in Galilee, in the hill country of Naphtali, to Shechem in the hill country of Ephraim, and to Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron) in the hill country of Judah.

 (2) 3 places on the east side of Jordan (v.8)

8 From the tribe of Reuben, east of Jericho, beyond Jordan, Bezer in the wilderness of the plain; Ramoth-gilead from the tribe of Gad; and Golan of Bashan from the tribe of Manasseh.


2) Besides the Israelites, who can benefit from cities of refuge? (verse 9)

9 These are the cities appointed for all the children of Israel and for the sojourners who live among them, so that no one who commits murder unintentionally may flee there and die by the hand of the avenger of blood until he stands before the congregation.

In addition to the Israelites, sojourners residing among them can also benefit from the cities of refuge.


<Sharing 3> The city of refuge had to be close enough to be reached from anywhere within a day and it had to be open to anyone. God granted the benefits of cities of refuge to all people living in the land of Israel without discrimination. Let’s talk about ways churches can devise ways to reach people in crisis.


I would like to take an interest in hospital and correctional (prison) ministries and share the love and gospel of the Lord with those in need around us.

Let's pray together

Lord, help us to abandon our misguided desire for revenge and excessive sense of guilt and enjoy freedom and liberation in Christ!

And may we sincerely repent of our sins and forgive those who have wronged us!

And help us get closer to people in crisis, help them with the love of Jesus’ cross, and spread the gospel!

