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True repentance and restoration of full tithes

True repentance and restoration of full tithes


Malachi 2:17-3:12


2:17-3:6 is the concluding part of Malachi's fourth sermon, and is a scene of prophecy about the appearance of John the Baptist, who will prepare the way of the Lord, and the appearance of Jesus the Messiah, who will come to this earth as the Lord of judgment. Therefore, this text is a message that serves as a bridge connecting to the New Testament era.

As soon as John the Baptist cleared the way, Jesus the Messiah, the messenger (mediator) of the new covenant, appeared. The ministry of Jesus the Messiah was to clear his threshing floor with a winnowing pan in his hand, so that the wheat could be brought into the granary and the chaff burned in eternal fire. We must repent every day, purify ourselves through the Word, and live a blessed life of love, holiness, and justice.


3:7-12 This is Malachi’s fifth sermon. After the thrill of returning from captivity, over 100 years passed, the hearts of the Israelites became dull. As a result, they remained ignorant of what the true ordinances of Jehovah were. In the text, Malachi criticized their ignorance and emphasized, for example, a life of true tithes and offerings.

In the text, Malachi criticized their ignorance and emphasized, for example, a life of true tithes and offerings. In fact, because the people had been away from the temple-centered life, they completely forgot about tithes and offerings, and lived only for themselves. However, the result was only poverty and hardship. There was no abundance and no peace. Malachi found the reason in ‘life without tithes.’ It was likened to the life of a thief who stole from God. He emphasized that the complete restoration of tithes is the secret to abundant blessings.


God, help us long for the return of Jesus, repent of our sins, and live a life of love, holiness, and justice! And restore full tithes and offerings so that we may receive the abundant blessings you have promised!