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Paul's Last Command

Paul's Last Command


[2 Timothy 4:1-8]


Paul delivers his final command to Timothy. The church will be further attacked and the world will become more corrupt. Paul commands Timothy, “But be sober-minded in all things, endure suffering, and fulfill the ministry of an evangelist.” Paul said, “I have given my life freely as a sacrifice to God, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith, so now the crown of righteousness will be given to me and to all who long for the Lord’s appearing.”


Jesus will return as a righteous judge and reward those who keep their faith (verses 1, 7-8). Because Paul also had this hope, he was able to endure suffering and sacrifice and fulfill his duties as an evangelist. Even if it is difficult to keep your faith and spread the word, do not give up. When Jesus returns, he will recognize that life and crown it with the crown of righteousness.


We must come to our senses and listen to the truth (verses 3-5). Many people close their ears to the truth and only listen to words that please them. They close their ears to voices that suggest the right path, and only open their ears to words that encourage their own greed. What sounds do I listen to?


Lord Jesus, help us fulfill our mission of spreading the gospel as we look forward to Your second coming.

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