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God achieves ultimate justice.

God achieves ultimate justice.


Jeremiah 51:20-32


God used Babylon as a mace to punish the nations. God declares that he will take revenge on Babylon. Because they destroyed the temple and treated the people of Judah harshly. God says he will turn the strong and threatening Babylon into a complete ruin with no hope of reconstruction. God will use the Medo-Persian Empire as a tool to judge Babylon. In the end, Babylon will be destroyed and perish, giving up its fight.


God makes himself known to the whole world (24). God destroys Babylon, which ravaged Judah and insulted the temple, in front of the whole world. It is the same as saving Israel from Egypt and making Himself known to the surrounding countries (Exodus 15:14-16). God is for us, is on our side, and reveals himself to the world by avenging injustices committed against us.


God achieves ultimate justice. In order to punish Judah and other nations, God allowed the evil and vicious Babylon to gain power for a while, but ultimately punished Babylon and implemented justice. Do not despair at the reality where evildoers are in power and are tyrannical. Live with faith that God will bring justice to pass at the appointed time (Habakkuk 2:3-4 This revelation has an appointed time, and its end will come quickly, and it will not lie. Even if it is slow, wait for it; it will not delay, but it will definitely come. His heart is proud and dishonest within him; but the righteous will live by faith.)


Dear God, help us look forward to the justice that You will bring about as we live in this unjust world with faith in who You are.

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