Signs of the Last Days
Matthew 24:1-14
As Jesus comes out of the temple, he prophesies to his disciples that this temple will be destroyed, not one stone left upon another. The disciples ask when this will happen and about the signs that will happen in the last days. Jesus said, "Be careful not to be deceived by people, and many will come in my name and say, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead people." And wars, famines, earthquakes, false prophets, etc. will arise, and calamities will begin, and iniquity will increase, and the love of many will grow cold. However, those who endure to the end will be saved, and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Jesus prophesies that the temple will collapse and teaches about the signs that will happen on the last day. Those who are not deceived by false Christs and false prophets and endure to the end in the midst of chaos and disasters will be saved. And he says the end will come when the gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world. We must look back to see if our church is perfect in the eyes of Jesus and not fall into the delusion of false Christs. And we must become saints who endure disasters and persecutions in the end times and receive salvation. Also, let's spread the gospel of the kingdom to the whole world and hope for the Lord's return.
God, we pray that through the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, we will use it as a turning point so that our church will be restored to its integrity in the eyes of Jesus. May we be saved by enduring various disasters and persecution without being deceived by false Christs in the last days! And spread the gospel of the kingdom to the whole world and let us wake up and prepare for the Lord's return!
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