Who is God?
Vv. 1-5 only the words of wisdom which God gives us protect us from temptations. so, we must choose correctly between wisdom and an immorality woman, and remember to keep the teaching of wisdom in our hearts, at whatever cost (Dt.6:8). We must not simply remember the teaching, but rather we must deem wisdom to be our sister and insight to be our close friend, and keep them by our sides at all times.
What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 6-9 Like the youth who lacked sense and walked towards the home of the forbidden woman, if we do not prepare ourselves with the wisdom of God we also could find ourselves walking in a foolish and wicked way. Let's think how we can internalise the teaching God gives us through our meditation, every morning, on words that protect us.
Protect us, God oiur family and our community, from the sexual self-indulgence of this world.