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The Most High Name of the Lord

Psalm 9


# Main Idea

David sings a song of thanks to God, who not only brings justice to the unfair situation that he is in, but also judges the world without bias and in honesty.


# Thinking & Understanding

David knows that the victories he received in war were because of God, and so therefore with all his heart he praised God and turned all glory to God.

This means that David’s victories were not only personal, but also victories for God. Through David’s victories, God judged all of his enemies and punished the wicked.

God is a fair King (Judge) who governs and judges over all humankind. Therefore, God becomes a refuge for those who are oppressed and protects those who are in hardship and are treated unfairly. Those who trust and put their faith in God will receive his protection, gain victory, and praise God.


# What lesson is God teaching me?

If we want to protect or help someone, then we need strength and righteousness. God is the strongest and most righteous being. That is why he helps and protects those who are oppressed and go through hardships.


# Pray

I hope that God’s justice and righteousness will flow through out our society like river.

