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The Songs of Victory and the Seven Plagues

The Songs of Victory and the Seven Plagues


Revelation 15:1~8


The last plagues are about to start. Before the seven plagues begin, those who were saved out from the judgment are singing the songs of the Lamb and praising the holy, Almighty God.


# Who is God like?


Vv.3,4 Those who were saved praise God as the Mighty one who performed the great works. His ways are just and true. He is the King of the nations(ages) whom everyone will fear and glorify. Now the Lord God will send the last plagues of seven bowls to judge the evil powers accordings to what they performed. Through this, God will reveal His righteous and holy character. As the Canaanites lost their courage when they heard the news of the Exodus out of Egypt, God will cause all nations to fear and worship Him.


Vv.5~8 God prepares the great plagues for those who broke the covenant made with the Creator God and rejected the grace of the new covenant given through Christ. The bowls full of the everlasting wrath of God, these last plagues that no one could even imagine, will be fierce and unavoidable. God does not let anyone into the temple to learn the contents of the plagues until the seven bowls are poured out by the seven angels. It was the silence before the final storm.


# What lesson is God teaching me?


Vv.2~4 Those who overcame the beast, his image, and the number (the mark of 666) of the beast's name were saved out of the judgment and are singing the song of the Lamb(Jesus). They hold firmly to the commandments of God and are faithful toward Jesus. They keep themselves out of all the unclean things and seek to be the pure bride of the Lamb.



I want to sing a new song as an offering to the Lord. Please guide me in living a life worthy of the grace of salvation.

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