The price of Disobedience
The price of Disobedience
1 Kings 20:35-43
God sends a prophet to point out King Ahab's sins. The Prophet asks his companion to beat him, trying to disguise himself as a wounded soldier. However, the companion refuses to hit him, and is eventually killed by a lion while on his way out. When another companion beat the prophet severely, the prophet bandaged his wound and went straight to King Ahab. Then he tells a story to Ahab and asks for Ahab's judgment. When Ahab makes the right decision, the prophet declares that Ahab is the major character of the story. Ahab is heartbroken and returns angrily to the palace.
God exposes Ahab's sins and declares judgment through the prophet's performance. However, just as when the prophet Nathan exposed King David's sins (2 Samuel 12:1-14), Ahab also had as opportunity to repent. Do you have any hidden sins? You cannot deceive God. Let's turn and repent quickly.
Ahab could not accept the prophet's point out(43). You may feel hurt and angry when your sins are pointed out, but what comes next is more important. If you reflect on yourself and change your actions, you will not only recover but also grow more uprightly. How do we respond when a mistake is pointed out to us?
Lord, help us not to react with anger when our sins are pointed out, but to quickly confess the sins we have been hiding!