
Let's not lose faith despite the difficulties!

Joseph724 2023. 2. 14. 14:22

Let's not lose faith despite the difficulties!


Matthew 11:1-10


When John the Baptist hears what Christ has done in prison, he sends his disciples to Jesus and asks, "Is it you who will come or do I have to wait for someone else?" Jesus said, "The blind see again, the leprosy is cured, the dead come back to life, and the gospel is spread to the poor." "Tell John what you will see and hear." "Blessed are those who do not lose because of me." And he told the crowd about John the Baptist, "He is better than the prophet," and said,"This is the one about whom it is written, 'BEHOLD, I SEND MY MESSENGER AHEAD OF YOU, WHO WILL PREPARE YOUR WAY BEFORE YOU.'“


Jesus restores sight to the blind, heals lepers, raises the dead, and preaches the gospel to the poor. He is the Messiah, the Christ, and our Savior.


John the Baptist heard rumors about Jesus Christ while in prison, but his faith in Jesus was shaken because he was in prison. So he sends his disciples to ask if you are the one Jesus is coming to. John the Baptist expected Christ, the Messiah he expected, to judge the wicked King Herod and the leaders and to quickly deliver him from prison. Even though the reality is difficult, we must live a blessed life that does not waver in our faith in Christ.


God, even if our reality is difficult, let our faith in Jesus Christ not be shaken and let us preach what Christ has done!