
Jesus, the Bread of Life

Joseph724 2022. 1. 20. 12:23

Jesus, the Bread of Life


John 6:3040


After Jesus performed the miracle of feeding 5,000 people with five barley loaves and two fish, those who were satisfied after eating the loaves came to Jesus again and demanded another miracle, such as Moses dropping manna in the wilderness. But Jesus said that God, not Moses, gave bread from heaven, and he who comes to Me as the Bread of Life will never hunger or thirst. But Jesus rebukes them for saying that people do not believe when they see him. And he says that he will not cast out any whom the Father has sent to me, but will raise them all to everlasting life.


Jesus is the Bread of Life that came down from heaven and will raise those who come to Him so that they will never hunger or thirst, but have everlasting life. We must come to Jesus, the Bread of Life, to receive eternal life, and to introduce everyone to Jesus.


God, thank you for sending Jesus, the Bread of Life. Let us come to Jesus, the Bread of Life, by faith, and receive eternal life, and introduce Jesus to everyone so that they too may have eternal life!